Our Grange is a Subordinate Grange of the National Grange of the Order of the Patrons of Husbandry. Mt Hamilton Grange No. 469 is one of the largest Granges in the Western United States.
We host dances, dinners and other programs at our Grange Hall, and most of these events are open to the public. Our Grange is very active with ballroom dance classes, exercise, line dance and martial arts classes for children and adults. Some classes and events are presented by Grange members and some events are hosted by outside groups and educators.
We rent our large dance hall and stage area, our kitchen, and our separate dining area to groups and private parties. Grange members receive a discount on rental fees after one year of membership.
We invite you to explore our Calendar to see what is happening at our grange and to find an activity which you and your family might enjoy. All are welcome to attend public programs at our Grange.
We invite you to view our grange membership materials and to contact Mt. Hamilton Grange, if you would like to inquire about becoming a grange member.